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Im asking because having a torrent dump without having specific information (comments) about a particular download, specifically applications/encodes there is no way to determine the quality or

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As I download and watch videos, I delete the videos when I am finished but keep the torrents in BitTorrent so I do not My question is: How to I change the status of a torrent to the purple bar saying "Finished" without actually going through the entire download? I'm thinking the reason for the disappearance in the first place is that you caused BT to dump your torrents somehow. The only problem is that thepiratebay only has magnet links which go directly to BT. 16 hours ago When torrents have completely finished it says finished in the Status column. I may then However on restart it checks all the torrents finished or otherwise. Is there a way to im downloading a 100 gb file but can i download it while in sleep mode? I just turn of I have tried leaving them unpaused for several hours but downloads do no proceed unless I complete the steps outlined here.